A deceptively clever and satisfying short story by Jonathan Green, Journey of the Magi follows a trio of Thousand Sons sorcerers as they mount a magically-assisted incursion into a vast necron artefact known as the Godstar. Though the sorcerers’ powers grant them swift access, it’s not long before the necron defences are alerted to their presence, and they find themselves embattled with ever-growing numbers of increasingly lethal guardians. To Prototokos, Opados and Tritos of the Sect of the Crimson Scarab, however, the prize that waits for them at the heart of the Godstar is worth any sacrifice to claim.
Tag Archives: Warhammer 40k
Severed – Nate Crowley
It’s a rare Warhammer 40,000 story that’s told from a necron viewpoint, however Nate Crowley’s novella Severed achieves the unexpected – adding a fascinating sense of character, pathos and even soul to the supposedly soulless necrontyr. Vargard Obyron has fought beside Nemesor Zahndrekh for millennia, applying his loyalty and skill at arms in concert with Zahndrekh’s unrivalled strategic insight despite his lord’s idiosyncratic, troubled world view. Tasked with a mysterious mission to the Ghoul Stars alongside an old and dubious ally, they find themselves confronted by a darkness that profoundly challenges the bond between them, and Zahndrekh’s already tattered sanity.
QUICK REVIEW: Path of Grief – Adrian Southin
Adrian Southin makes his Black Library debut with Path of Grief, a Warhammer 40,000 short story in which a grieving Aeldari of Saim-Hann relives the trauma that set her on a dangerous trajectory. Itheiul has walked many paths alongside her brother, Arsan, but after his death she has become absorbed by the Path of Grief. As she meditates over the singing spear he used in life, she recalls the desperate battle by his side against the tyranids on a ravaged Exodite world which led to his death, struggling to reconcile herself to the price they paid for victory.
Mark of Faith – Rachel Harrison
In her second Black Library novel, Mark of Faith, Rachel Harrison tackles both the Sisters of Battle and the Inquisition in an intense and emotional story featuring the expected themes of faith and fervour but also family, purpose and the possibility of rebirth. After losing everything in defence of Ophelia VII, Sister Evangeline of the Order of Our Martyred Lady is sent on a divine quest to seek out the Shield of Saint Katherine in Imperium Nihilus. To Inquisitor Ravara of the Ordo Malleus, Evangeline’s mission offers the opportunity to serve her own ends and undo a terrible wrong. Haunted by ghosts of the past and wrestling with their duties, both find their faith tested and their paths profoundly challenged.
The Beast Inside – Darius Hinks
A follow up to his novel Blackstone Fortress, Darius Hinks’ audio drama The Beast Inside sees dashing, debonair Janus Draik return to the Blackstone to seek out the dreaded Ambull. Fearing that rival Rogue Trader Ava Victrix means to try and capture the beast and return it to Precipice – where it might run riot and cause untold chaos – Draik is determined to find it first and kill it. Accompanied by the kroot Dahyak Grekh and a group of retainers he sets off in search of the Ambull, but finds the fortress crawling with Chaos cultists and strange, lethal insect-like creatures.
Isha’s Lament – Thomas Parrott
Thomas Parrott’s first longer-form Black Library story, Isha’s Lament is a Blackstone Fortress novella, an entertaining and insightful tale of survival, exploration and the after-effects of trauma. Brakus Andradus – once a soldier, now a hunter – is part of a group of explorers who find a ruined, dead ship within the fortress, and in doing so unwittingly trigger a calamity that endangers everyone on both the fortress and Precipice. Despite his failing health Brakus ventures back in search of a way to prevent disaster, accompanied by a motley group of uneasy companions, and in the darkness faces up to his fears.
Author Spotlight: Edoardo Albert
Welcome to this instalment of my Author Spotlight series of interviews, which aim to give an overview of each author’s background and approach to writing, and a slightly more detailed look at one of their books in particular. In this instalment I spoke to Edoardo Albert about his background, influences and route to writing for Black Library, some fantastic advice for prospective authors, and his new 40k novella Lords of the Storm (which is available to buy right now).
QUICK REVIEW: Ghosts of Iron – Marc Collins
Marc Collins makes his Black Library debut with Ghosts of Iron, a tale of duty, faith and sacrifice for the servants of the Omnissiah. On the forge world of Sareme, as the forges are overrun by hereteks and the Great Rift sears the skies, Magos Domina Calliope Vartothex seeks out the silent bulk of the Warlord Titan Fury of Mars. Accompanied by the last failing remnants of her skitarii allies, Calliope holds the final, faint chance of survival for the Adeptus Mechanicus on Sareme, which rests upon her ability to connect with the Fury of Mars’ ancient Machine Spirit.
Author Spotlight: Nate Crowley
Welcome to this instalment of my Author Spotlight series of interviews, which aim to give an overview of each author’s background and approach to writing, and a slightly more detailed look at one of their books in particular. In this instalment we’ve got Nate Crowley talking about his early inspirations, writing for all sorts of publishers, and his new 40k novella Severed (which is available to buy right now). Read on to find out more about some intriguing, off the wall stories and an exciting new voice in Black Library fiction!
Author Spotlight: Danie Ware
Welcome to this instalment of my Author Spotlight series of interviews, which aim to give an overview of each author’s background and approach to writing, and a slightly more detailed look at one of their books in particular. In this instalment we’ve got Danie Ware talking about her early inspirations, writing for Black Library and other publishers, and her latest Sisters of Battle novella – Wreck and Ruin (which is available to buy right now). If you fancy getting to know a great writer a little more – especially if you like the Sisters of Battle – this is a great opportunity!