Susanna Clarke’s second novel Piranesi was published in 2020, but it wasn’t until May 2021 that I finally read it (or rather listened to it), at which point I was powerfully reminded of just how great an author Clarke is. A couple of months after finishing Piranesi I dug out my copy of Clarke’s short story anthology The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories and finally read it, fifteen years after I bought it. Finally, in August, after dithering over whether I could sustain my attention for a 32.5 hour audiobook, I took the plunge and revisited Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell in audio. Over the course of the next 35 and a half hours of listening (over a good two or three weeks) I came to the conclusion that not only is Jonathan Strange… one of my all-time favourite novels, but that Susanna Clarke truly is a literary treasure.
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