Tag Archives: Rapid Fire

RAPID FIRE: Steven B. Fischer Talks Broken Crusade

Hello and welcome to this Rapid Fire interview here on Track of Words, where I’m delighted to be welcoming author Steven B. Fischer back to the site – this time to chat about his latest Black Library novel, Broken Crusade! Steve and I have chatted before about his excellent BL debut Witchbringer, and after reading and loving Broken Crusade I was keen to pick his brains again, and get a little insight into another fantastic 40k novel. One of my personal favourite BL novels of 2024, Broken Crusade was a fascinating read, and it was great fun digging into it with Steve, discussing Black Templars, second novels, melancholic Space Marines, unusual World Eaters, and loads more.

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RAPID FIRE: Denny Flowers Talks Above and Beyond

Hello and welcome to this Rapid Fire author interview, where I’m delighted to be joined once again by the excellent Denny Flowers, to talk about his latest Black Library novel – Above and Beyond. Denny’s previous novel, Outgunned, was one of my favourite BL books of the last few years – you can read my review of it and my interview with Denny about it if you’d like to know more – so I was thrilled when the sequel, Above and Beyond, was announced. I love this sort of 40k story, which steps away from the big names and the big battlefields to explore lesser-seen perspectives on the setting, so it was great to chat to Denny again about what we can expect from the new book, what it was like revisiting these characters, and how Denny found working on a sequel to such a well-received novel.

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RAPID FIRE: Jude Reid Talks Creed: Ashes of Cadia

Hello and welcome to this Track of Words author interview, where today I’m delighted to be chatting to the brilliant Jude Reid about her debut novel for Black Library – Creed: Ashes of Cadia. With the paperback edition recently landing, now is a great time to take a look at this excellent addition to Black Library’s ever-growing range of Imperial Guard novels, which introduces the character of Ursula Creed and returns the action to the surface of Cadia itself! Read on to find out more about this great book and its characters, Jude’s writing process, and loads more.

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RAPID FIRE: Victoria Hayward Talks Deathworlder

It’s been a while since my last Rapid Fire interview with a Black Library author, but I’m back with my first of 2024 and it’s a doozy – please welcome the fantastic Victoria Hayward to talk about her debut novel, Deathworlder! After several great 40k short stories, I’m sure I’m not the only reader who’s been looking forward to Victoria’s first novel (which goes up for pre-order from BL/GW tomorrow), and joining the ever-growing and consistently impressive range of Astra Militarum novels, Deathworlder promises to be a Catachan novel like no other. If you’re keen to find out more about what to expect, we’ve definitely got you covered with this interview.

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RAPID FIRE: Rob Young Talks Longshot

Hello and welcome to this Rapid Fire author interview, where today I’m chatting to Black Library author Rob Young about Longshot, his debut Warhammer 40,000 novel. Rob’s written a few 40k short stories already, and he’s previously featured on Track of Words as a guest reviewer (you can read his review here), but this is the first time we’ve chatted for an interview – and what better opportunity to talk than to celebrate the launch of his debut novel? Part of a growing range of new Imperial Guard Astra Militarum books, Longshot offers an unusual perspective on a Guard novel and promises to be an excellent read. Read on to find out what you can expect from Longshot, the challenges of writing about snipers, where Rob thinks he’d find himself if he was part of a Guard regiment, and loads more.

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RAPID FIRE: Jonathan D. Beer Talks The King of the Spoil

Hello and welcome to this Rapid Fire author interview here on Track of Words, where today I’m welcoming Jonathan D. Beer to the site to chat about his debut novel – The King of the Spoil, out now from Black Library. The latest novel in BL’s Warhammer Crime range, I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of The King of the Spoil and very much enjoyed it, so I’m delighted that Jonathan was up for talking more about the book. Whether you’re a hardened 40k veteran or this is your first step into the world of Warhammer Crime, read on to find out more about what you can expect from The King of the Spoil, its characters and locations, Jonathan’s writing process, and loads more.

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RAPID FIRE: Dan Abnett Talks The End and the Death Volume 1

Hello and welcome to this Rapid Fire author interview, where I’m delighted to be joined by the brilliant Dan Abnett to discuss The End and the Death Volume 1, the first instalment of the final Siege of Terra novel from Black Library. It’s been a long time coming – Horus Rising, the first Horus Heresy novel, was published in 2006, then the Siege of Terra opened with The Solar War in 2019. Book 8 of the Siege is actually going to be multiple volumes, beginning with this one, but the end is almost upon us, so I felt like I really ought to speak to Dan about this momentous novel. Whether you’ve read it already or you’re looking forward to making a start, I’m sure you’re as excited as I am about the end of the Siege.

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RAPID FIRE: David Guymer Talks Grombrindal

Hello and welcome to this Rapid Fire interview here on Track of Words, where I’m very happy to be joined by Black Library author David Guymer to talk about his fantastic Age of Sigmar novel Grombrindal: Chronicles of the Wanderer. Released in October 2023 in audiobook, ebook and hardback (if you’re lucky enough to find one) editions, this is an unusual book in that it actually contains six short stories and a (short) novel, all exploring one of the most famous characters in Warhammer history. I loved it, so I was keen to talk to David about how this book came about, what the writing process was like, and (because I’m mean like that) whether David has a favourite from among these tales of Grombrindal.

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RAPID FIRE: Steven B Fischer Talks Witchbringer

Hello and welcome to this Track of Words Author Interview, where today I’m very happy to welcome back Steven B. Fischer to talk about his brilliant new Warhammer 40,000 novel Witchbringer. Steve and I chatted recently for an Author Spotlight interview and it was super interesting (you can check that out here), and the little glimpse we got into Witchbringer was more than enough for me to want to chat about the novel in more detail. With that in mind, in this interview Steve gives a great overview of what to expect from Witchbringer, including what it was like exploring the Scholastica Psykana and the nature of being a psyker in the Imperial Guard, keeping character conflict at the heart of the novel, looking for light in the middle of a grimdark universe, and loads more. Oh, and the relative merits of psychic powers in the real world!

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RAPID FIRE: Alec Worley Talks The Wraithbone Phoenix

For today’s Rapid Fire author interview I’m delighted to welcome the brilliant Alec Worley to talk about his new Warhammer Crime novel The Wraithbone Phoenix, which is out now from Black Library. If you enjoyed the audio drama Dredge Runners then you’ll be very happy to know that the odd-couple ratling/ogryn duo of Baggit and Clodde are back with a new adventure, but even if not there’s a lot to enjoy with this fun but deceptively dark new crime novel. I’ve read it, and can confirm that it’s brilliant! Read on to find out more about the story, the characters and some of the book’s key themes, along with some of the books, films and other visuals that had an influence on its creation – everything from Elmore Leonard to Wallace and Gromit!

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