With his latest Black Library audio drama being released as part of the 2019 Black Library Advent Calendar series, I got in touch with author David Guymer to find out a bit more about what we can expect from the three-part Age of Sigmar story Heirs of Grimnir. Seeing as David has written rather a lot about slayers, fyreslayers and various other varieties of dwarfs (and duardin) over the years, I asked if he would also offer some of his thoughts on Age of Sigmar duardin, old-school Warhammer dwarfs, and how this story fits in with the rest of his Realmslayer series.
As you might have guessed from the title of the interview, this also sees the debut appearance on Track of Words of voice actor extraordinaire Steve Conlin. As well as providing the public face of legendary Games Workshop founder James Workshop, Steve plays the lead role in Heirs of Grimnir and an important role in Realmslayer, so it only seemed appropriate that he should contribute…in his own inimitable style…some insights and additional thoughts to the interview. You’ll see some of Steve’s comments scattered throughout, and then a few specific questions for him at the end.
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