Tag Archives: Best of BL

The Best Black Library Audio Dramas of 2019: January to June

The first half of 2019 brought with it a LOT of new content for Black Library fans to enjoy, with almost forty new books or audio dramas released between January and June, not to mention an impressive number reprints and digital-only short stories. In other articles I’ve run through my personal choices for the best BL novels, short stories and anthologies released so far, and in this article I’m going to do the same thing but for audio dramas. In recent years Black Library have invested heavily in this particular storytelling medium, and so far 2019 has – in my opinion – continued to show the benefits of that investment with some genuinely fantastic new releases.

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The Best Black Library Novels of 2019: January to June

2019 so far has been a busy year for Black Library, whose punishing release schedule continues to churn out new books, audio dramas and short stories at a phenomenal rate. Over the six months from January to June BL released somewhere in the region of FORTY new books or audio dramas, as well as a similar number of reprints (i.e. paperback editions, or reprinted hardbacks) and almost as many short stories. In this article I’m taking a look back at the first half of 2019 to highlight what I personally think have been the best new novels to have been released.

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