Tag Archives: Arkham Horror

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: S.A. Sidor Talks The Last Ritual

Welcome to this Track of Words Author Interview, in which I chat to author S.A. Sidor about his new novel The Last Ritual, his first for Aconyte Books. It’s the second Aconyte novel to be set in the world of Arkham Horror (after Josh Reynolds’ Wrath of N’Kai), and looks like being a fascinating read for horror fans and Arkham aficionados alike. Keep an eye out for the ebook and the US paperback edition releasing on the 3rd November, with the UK paperback edition coming a little bit later on the 10th December.

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AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Josh Reynolds Talks Wrath of N’Kai

Welcome to this Track of Words Author Interview, my ongoing series of quick interviews with authors talking about their new releases. These are short and sweet interviews, with the idea being that each author will answer (more or less) the same questions – by the end of each interview I hope you will have a good idea of what the new book (or audio drama) is about, what inspired it and why you might want to read or listen to it.

In this instalment I spoke to the ever-prolific Josh Reynolds about his new book Wrath of N’Kai, the first Arkham Horror novel to be published by Aconyte Books. It’s due to be released as an ebook on the 1st September, with a US paperback edition released the same day and the UK paperback edition due on the 1st October. If you like a good occult detective story with a strong sense of 1920’s pulpy noir, this should be right up your street!

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Wrath of N’Kai – Josh Reynolds

Aconyte Books’ exploration of the world of Arkham Horror begins in fine style with Josh Reynolds’ Wrath of N’Kai, an entertainingly dark tale of a gentlewoman thief getting more than she bargained for. Countess Alessandra Zorzi has been commissioned to travel to Arkham, where a recently-discovered ancient American mummy is to be displayed, and steal it. What sounds like a relatively simple job, however, is complicated by the presence of an investigator from the insurance company underwriting the exhibition, and the dawning realisation that there’s more going on than meets the eye in both Arkham’s criminal underworld and its wealthy upper class.

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