Category Archives: Article

Behind The Scene: Exclusive Author Commentary on Toxxic by Jane Hennigan

Hello and welcome to this Behind the Scene post here on Track of Words – I’m joined today by Jane Hennigan, with an excerpt from her new science fiction novel Toxxic (out now via Angry Robot) alongside an exclusive commentary on the subject of sequels and narrators. The follow-up to 2023’s Moths – “a thrilling dystopia, in turns heart-breaking and heart-pounding”, Toxxicextends the world and the story of Moths, exploring the nature of gender roles and feminism through warm characters in difficult circumstances.” It sounds fantastic, and Jane’s commentary offers a fascinating insight into the thought that goes into a book long before an author actually starts writing – really interesting stuff whether you’re a reader, writer or both!

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10 Years of Track of Words In Numbers

At the start of a new year I always take some time to look back at the previous 12 months of Track of Words in numbers, and this year is no different (I’ve already published my 2023 in Numbers post), except that I’m also marking the anniversary of 10 years running Track of Words! I published my first post (this one, if you want to check it out) on the 27th January 2014, if you can believe it. So with that milestone now passed, and especially as I’m drawing a bit of a line in the sand now after which I’m going to be slowing down on the site (see my Track of Words in 2024 post), I thought it would be fun to do a separate numbers post looking back over a decade of Track of Words.

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Behind The Scene: Exclusive Author Commentary on Simul by Andrew Caldecott

Hello and welcome to this Behind the Scene post, in which I’m delighted to present an excerpt from Simul by Andrew Caldecott, accompanied by an exclusive commentary by Andrew himself. Out now from Jo Fletcher Books, Simul is the second volume of the Momenticon duology, following on from 2023’s Momenticon, which has been described as “a perplexing and brilliant story full of literary and artistic rabbit holes and quirky characters.” The idea behind my Behind the Scene series is to ask authors to talk a bit about a scene or a chapter from their book and give an insight into their thought processes as they wrote it. Here Andrew has more than fulfilled that brief, with a fascinating commentary exploring the concept and purpose of Simul’s opening chapter.

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The Classic Celtic Spread: How I Use Tarot Cards As a Tool In My Writing – Maud Woolf Guest Post

Hello and welcome to this Track of Words guest post, where I’m delighted to be joined by Maud Wood – author of Thirteen Ways to Kill Lulabelle Rock, which is out today from Angry Robot! It sounds like an absolutely fascinating novel, but something else that sounds fascinating is Maud’s approach to crafting stories. In this guest post Maud takes us through her use of tarot cards as a writing tool, something I’d never considered before…but which I think makes a lot of sense! Whether you’re a writer yourself or simply interested in what goes into the work of writing a novel, this is a really interesting article.

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Track of Words in 2024

I’ve been running Track of Words for 10 years now (well, technically my 10 year anniversary is at the end of January, but who’s counting?!), and over that period I’ve constantly adjusted how much time and energy I’ve put into the site. In recent years I’ve cut down quite heavily, but over the course of the last few months I’ve come to an incontrovertible conclusion – I need to slow right down. I’m tired, basically. I need to step back a bit from what’s coming perilously close to feeling like a job, rather than a hobby, and I think 10 years marks a good time to draw a line under things. I’m not stopping entirely, but now’s the right time to change focus and try to remember what life was like before I started this website.

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Yearly Roundup: 2023 In Numbers

Welcome to 2024 – it’s a new year, so as usual (and like almost every blogger/reviewer out there) I’m taking a look back at the last year in numbers. This isn’t just a new year for me though – the end of 2023 marks 10 years of Track of Words, which is a milestone I never expected to be writing about. I’m planning on writing a couple more end of year/start of year posts soon, including a retrospective of the last 10 years, but for this article I’m going to stick with looking back at 2023 in numbers. I’m going to look at various types of numbers – two sets of site stats, in terms of articles/words written and pages viewed, a breakdown of the different kinds of posts I published in 2023, and my reading stats for the year.

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TBR: Most Anticipated Books of 2024

The last couple of years I’ve written articles looking ahead to the following 12 months and picking out upcoming books I’ve been looking forward to reading…so let’s carry on and do the same thing this year! From last year’s list, nine of the 10 books I chose were published (we’re still waiting on Alecto the Ninth, sadly) and I did manage to read six of them, so that’s not too bad. Let’s see if I manage more from this list! For each of the books I’ve chosen for this list I’ve included the official publisher’s synopsis and added a few of my own observations – and I’ve listed these books by their month of expected (UK) publication, based on the release dates that were correct at the time of writing.

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On The Nature of Trilogies And Tie-ins – Thomas Parrott Guest Post

Hello and welcome to this Track of Words guest post, where today I’m delighted to welcome back Thomas Parrott, whose third Tom Clancy’s The Division novel – Hunted – is coming out in January from Aconyte Books (completing the Operation: Crossroads trilogy)! Tom has kindly contributed a thought-provoking article discussing the journey he’s been on with this trilogy of tie-in novels, which begins with 2022’s Recruited before continuing with Compromised (also 2022) and then onto Hunted, which is out in just a few days (at the time of writing this). I’m always fascinated by writers’ experiences working on novels and series, so to me this is an intriguing exploration of the realities of working on this sort of project, and the work that goes into it!

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Ten Years of Black Library

It’s been almost 10 years since I started Track of Words, and over that time I’ve read somewhere north of 400 Black Library books (not to mention goodness knows how many short stories), and reviewed a large proportion of those! As I draw to the end of this 10-year period, I thought it might be interesting to look back at all those BL books and pick out my personal highlights from the last decade. I’ve gone through each year from 2014 to 2023 and, from the books that a) were published that year, and b) I actually read that year, selected a single book as my pick for each year – and I tell you, that was not an easy task!

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Behind The Scene: Exclusive Excerpt From Do Or Die by Josh Reynolds

Hello and welcome to this Behind the Scene post here on Track of Words, where today I’m joined by one of my absolute favourite authors – Josh Reynolds – with an excerpt from the first chapter of his third Zombicide novel Do Or Die. I’ve covered a lot of Josh’s work here on Track of Words, and Zombicide as an IP really feels like an ideal fit for his style – that’s certainly the impression I got from his first novel in this setting, Last Resort. If you’re keen to get a sense of what to expect from Josh’s Zombicide work, this excerpt is exactly what you’re been looking for!

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