Category Archives: Article

Monthly Roundup – September 2021

Hello, and welcome to this Monthly Roundup post here on Track of Words. While August was an unusually quiet month, I got back up to speed in September with twelve new posts – thirteen if you include this one! It felt great to be back in the swing of things, working on a variety of different pieces. I feel like I managed a good balance in September, with a range of book reviews, author interviews and blog articles, and I’ve even managed to catch up with my backlog of reviews in order to (for once) have a supply of new content ready and waiting to be published. Whether or not I can maintain this sort of progress for long remains to be seen, but at least it’s worked out well for September!

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Cover Reveal: Recruited by Thomas Parrott

Hello and welcome to this Cover Reveal article here on Track of Words, where today I’m delighted to offer a first look at Recruited by Thomas Parrott, a new novel based on Tom Clancy’s The Division that’s coming in 2022 from Aconyte Books. I haven’t played the video game this is based on but it sounds like an ideal setting for this sort of technothriller…and I love a good thriller! I’ve also enjoyed all of Tom’s stories that I’ve read so far – for Aconyte, Black Library and his own original work – so I’ve got a feeling I’m going to enjoy Recruited – and I’m sure I won’t be the only person to do so.

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Warhammer Crime – The Range So Far

Black Library’s Warhammer Crime range only launched in 2020 but it’s steadily growing as new titles are released, and I thought it might be useful to put together an article that breaks down all of the relevant releases and links out to reviews and author interviews where they’re available. Because a few of these stories are connected as well (characters appearing in both short stories and novels, for example) I’ve included as many of those connections as I know of too, so hopefully this should be helpful both as an introduction and a refresher to Warhammer Crime. I’ll keep this article updated as and when new titles are released and/or I publish new reviews/interviews, so that it’s as useful and up to date as possible.

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Monthly Roundup – August 2021

Hello, and welcome to this Monthly Roundup post here on Track of Words. August has been a quiet month for me on the Track of Words front, even more so than recently – this article I’m writing now is only the fourth I’ve published in the whole month, which is by far the lowest number for years. I feel like a bit of a broken record with how many times I’ve said something similar recently, but I really have found it hard working on new content in August, for various reasons (including my health). Or at least, hard working on the usual reviews and so on – I’ve actually been busy with some new elements of site structure and navigation, which you may have noticed if you’ve had a look at the menus recently.

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The End of an Era – Matthew Ward Guest Post

Hello and welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Matthew Ward’s new novel Legacy of Light, the third and final volume in the Legacy Trilogy, which is published today by Orbit. For this post, Matthew has written a fantastic guest blog in which he talks about the experience of finishing this epic fantasy trilogy, and offers up some interesting (and spoiler-free) facts about the brand new Legacy of Light. If you haven’t already, make sure you also check out all the other stops on this great blog tour for reviews, interviews and more guest blogs from Matthew – I’ll include details of where to find these at the end of this article – but for now I’m delighted to hand Track of Words over to Matthew…

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Monthly Roundup – July 2021

Another month has come around as quickly as ever, so it’s time for my usual Monthly Roundup here on Track of Words, where today I’m looking back at what’s been going on during the month of July. I feel like a bit of a broken record in these articles, as for a while now I’ve been talking about having slow months, but July has in fact been my quietest month for over a year – this article you’re reading will be my 10th and final one of the month. Life seems to be getting in the way a bit more than usual right now, with job hunting and illness being the headline hurdles alongside a general sense of finding it difficult to concentrate on writing, but hopefully it won’t be too long before I’m back in the swing of things. Fingers crossed, anyway!

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Aconyte Books Roundup: June/July 2021

It’s been a couple of months since I last did an Aconyte Books roundup, so in this article I’m going to take a look at recent Aconyte releases from June and July 2021. There are four new releases to talk about, between them covering a lot of ground across four different IPs – Legend of the Five Rings, Assassin’s Creed, Arkham Horror and Marvel: Crisis Protocol – so if you’re a fantasy and/or sci-fi fan I’d be pretty hopeful of there being something here which will appeal! As usual I’ll also quickly recap over a few other recent releases which are either now or soon to be available in UK paperback editions, then take a look ahead to some cool upcoming releases. Lastly, I’ll pick out a book from the Aconyte back catalogue to talk about in a bit more detail!

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Monthly Roundup – June 2021

Hello and welcome to this Monthly Roundup article here on Track of Words, where I’m looking back at what’s been happening over the month of June. For various reasons it’s been another quiet month, which has meant I’ve only managed 11 posts – mostly reviews – but to be honest I’m pretty pleased I got even that much done! As usual, for the first part of this article I’ll do a quick retrospective of those 11 posts, complete with links so that if you’ve missed anything over the last few weeks you can go take a look. Once that’s done I’ll do a general update with a few quick observations on the month as a whole.

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40k Reading Order: The Horusian Wars – John French

Hello and welcome to another 40k Reading Order article, where this time I’m offering a recommended reading order for the various stories that make up John French’s excellent Horusian Wars series. If you’ve ever wanted to read these dark tales exploring the warring factions within the Holy Orders of the Emperor’s Inquisition, but haven’t known where to start, then look no further than this article! With John’s very kind assistance I’ve put together a comprehensive list of all of the Horusian Wars stories to date – which include novels, short stories and audio dramas – based on their in-universe chronological order.

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Monthly Roundup – May 2021

Hello and welcome to another Monthly Roundup article here on Track of Words, where as usual I’m taking a look back at what’s been going on over the last few weeks. I’d say it’s been slightly quieter on Track of Words than the last few months, but hopefully there’s still been plenty of new content to keep your interest, and I’ve been busy planning interesting things to work on in future. For the first part of the article I’ll do my usual run through of all the reviews, author interviews and blog articles that I’ve published over the last few weeks, so if you missed anything you can click on the links and go take a look. Once that’s done, I’ve got a couple of things I want to talk about in the general update section, so check that out for a bit about why I’m cutting down on Black Library reviews and interviews, and some thoughts on a Track of Words landmark that I’ve recently passed.

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