Category Archives: Short Stories

QUICK REVIEW: The Case of the Somewhat Mythic Sword – Garth Nix

A short but satisfying homage to the classic Conan Doyle tales, Garth Nix’s occult detective story The Case of the Somewhat Mythic Sword features Sir Magnus Holmes, the somewhat less famous cousin of the legendary literary sleuth. Responding in Sherlock’s stead to a case more suited to his esoteric talents, Sir Magnus – accompanied by Almost Doctor Susan Shrike – investigates the appearance of a medieval knight in the cellar of a London pub. Although Holmes quickly deduces what’s happening, it turns into a case which tests his willpower and Shrike’s wits, and reveals the darkness lurking beneath the dapper detective’s civilised veneer.

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QUICK REVIEW: Voice of Experience – JC Stearns

JC Stearns’ Warhammer 40,000 short story Voice of Experience takes a look at the T’au Empire through the eyes of its auxiliaries, exploring how the t’au interact with their gue’vesa allies. Having turned from the Throne and firmly embraced the Greater Good, Captain Kalice Arkady of the Follaxian 113th is now the highest-ranking and most trusted human on the orbital shipyard Suu’suamyth. When a series of worrying accidents seem to suggest sabotage, she’s called upon to investigate on behalf of the ruling council, and in the process comes to question her understanding of – and place within – t’au society.

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QUICK REVIEW: The Knave of Stars – John French

John French turns his attention to Duke Cleander von Castellan in his Horusian Wars short story The Knave of Stars, digging into the Rogue Trader’s troubled history to explore the roots of his glib, nihilistic attitude. In the Rot-margins of Panetha Varn, Cleander seeks a balm for his soul, finding it in the elusive Decagogue and his patchwork followers. As he takes his first steps on a new path which promises freedom from his past and the void at his core, Cleander faces up to the pain that shaped him and the man it made him into.

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QUICK REVIEW: Thin Red Jellies – Lina Rather

A slow-burning tale of subtle body horror by way of near-future technology and near-death experience, Lina Rather’s short story Thin Red Jellies examines the stress placed upon two people who find themselves cohabiting in a single body. When Jess ‘dies’ in a car accident, Amy agrees to have her girlfriend’s mind implanted in her own brain, sharing her body until they can arrange for a replacement for Jess. The realities of healthcare insurance and corporate greed, however, mean that Jess’ stay in Amy’s body is extended while they scrimp and save, testing their still-new relationship in new and unexpected ways.

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QUICK REVIEW: The Last of the Longhorns – Nick Kyme

Blackstone Fortress short story The Last of the Longhorns sees Nick Kyme revisit the cheeky ratling twins Rein and Raus from his previous story Motherlode, and explore some unexpected details from their backstory. In the depths of the Fortress, the twins find themselves at the mercy of malicious Traitor Guardsmen, whose sinister leader seeks an item in the ratlings’ possession. When physical interrogation tactics fail, the traitors employ psychic means to try and ascertain where their prize is hidden, dredging Raus’ mind for information and bringing to light painful memories of a time before the Blackstone Fortress.

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QUICK REVIEW: The Fourfold Wound – Eric Gregory

Eric Gregory’s Age of Sigmar short story The Fourfold Wound is an ambitious, evocative exploration of the Mortal Realms, and a cautionary tale warning of the cost of seeking revenge. Across the Realms, Sigmar’s Stormcast Eternals are not universally loved, and discontented souls carefully watch and share their observations in secret. Shinua Gan travels the Realms sifting through the watchers’ notes for mention of a name, determined to track down the man responsible for the deaths of her family. Disgusted that he should be raised up as a hero by Sigmar, she’s determined to make him pay for his crime.

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QUICK REVIEW: Faith in Iron – Cameron Johnston

Established fantasy author Cameron Johnston’s first Black Library short story, Faith in Iron is a grim tale of the Iron Hands – or rather an Iron Hand – seen through human eyes. The agri-world of Dundas II has become a breeding ground for a terrifying plague which affects both flesh and machine equally, and threatens an entire sector if not stopped. Responding to a distress call from Magos Biologis Viridan Shale, who believes she has a cure, the lone Iron Father Rathkugan must rally support from Imperial Guard survivors and brave the plague itself to enact a dangerous rescue.

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QUICK REVIEW: Where Dere’s da Warp Dere’s a Way – Mike Brooks

In case the title doesn’t give it away, Mike Brooks’ Warhammer 40,000 short story Where Dere’s da Warp Dere’s a Way is a rare story told from an ork perspective…and it’s just as much fun as it sounds. Ufthak Blackhawk joins his Bad Moon mates, under the command of Badgit Snazzhammer, in a gleeful boarding action against a ship crewed by humie mekboyz. The boyz happily get stuck into the fight in typically boisterous fashion, but when things don’t all go their way Ufthak is forced to think quickly in order to prove his status in the mob.

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QUICK REVIEW: Green and Grey – Edoardo Albert

Edoardo Albert’s Imperial Guard short story Green and Grey is an emotional gut-punch of a war story, a tale of a young tanker on his first mission which has gone horribly wrong. Waking to darkness and pain, Lucius Stilo finds himself trapped alone inside the Leman Russ Sancta Fide, the rest of the crew dead and a greenskin horde pressing ever closer in. As he waits for help to arrive, the distant voice of his commanding officer calls for him to remember his training and keep the orks at bay, and to do his duty despite the risks.

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QUICK REVIEW: The Last Voyage of Elissa Harrow – Denny Flowers

Denny Flowers’ Necromunda short story The Last Voyage of Elissa Harrow does what it says on the tin…and a bit more. SPOILERS abound in both the story and (to a lesser extent) this review for those who haven’t read at least Low Lives (YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!), as this picks up after the novella’s denouement to find Elissa horribly injured, possibly delusional, attempting to cross the sump on a makeshift raft. Land, and safety, seem a long way off, there are dangers beneath the surface of the toxic lake, and Elissa knows she can never really go home…but something drives her to keep moving forward.

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