Category Archives: Books

Dreadwing – David Guymer

The second of two Siege of Terra prequel novellas (see also Spear of Ultramar), David Guymer’s Dreadwing explores a little of what Lion El’Jonson and his Dark Angels were getting up to that prevented them from reaching Terra. Engaged in a campaign of harassment against Traitor-held worlds, tensions within the I Legion are rising as the question of whether to return to Terra becomes ever more important. While the Lion broods in silence, his lieutenants Redloss and Holguin – of the Dreadwing and Deathwing respectively – are at odds, one keen to continue the campaign and the other desperate to head for Terra.

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Spear of Ultramar – David Annandale

One of two Horus Heresy novellas billed as prequels to the Siege of Terra, David Annandale’s Spear of Ultramar provides a brief but satisfying exploration of the challenges facing Guilliman and the Ultramarines as they race for Terra. Set after the events of Ruinstorm, the Ultramarines find their path blocked by the Carchera system, which is defended by a single Grand Company of Iron Warriors. Despite being vastly outnumbered the Iron Warriors are determined to delay Guilliman for as long as they can, so lay a trap that they know the Avenging Son will recognise, but will have no choice but to spring.

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Spear of the Emperor – Aaron Dembski-Bowden

The first novel in a new series, Aaron Dembski-Bowden’s Spear of the Emperor explores the grim realities of life for the defenders of Elara’s Veil, in Imperium Nihilus. Over a century after the Great Rift, the Imperium sends Amadeus Kaias Incarius of the Mentor Legion to assess the status of Elara’s Veil’s defences. The Star Scorpions are long gone, the Celestial Lions crippled, so the Spears of the Emperor hold the line almost alone. Despite a cold welcome from the Spears, Amadeus recognises that there’s no way back to the Imperium, so resolves to stay and fight, and help the Spears however he can.

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Auric Gods – Nick Kyme

Book three in the Black Library Novella Series 1, Nick Kyme’s Auric Gods is a sort of 40k-noir story crossed with an exploration of the role of the Adeptus Custodes in the Dark Imperium era. On a world at the fringe of the Sol system, peacekeeper Ursula Gedd and the shadowy Meroved – once a Shield Captain of the Adeptus Custodes, now an Eye of the Emperor – investigate worrying patterns within their city, Vorganthian. Meanwhile on Terra, three Custodians are gathered by Trajann Valoris and sent out from the Throneworld to recover a dangerous artifact, stolen from deep beneath the Imperial Palace.

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Titandeath – Guy Haley

Guy Haley’s Titandeath, book 53 in the Horus Heresy series, is the penultimate novel before the Siege of Terra begins and the first proper look at the vast battle for the Beta-Garmon system. With both sides throwing ever-increasing numbers of troops and war machines into the grinder, the focus here is on the Titan Legios of Solaria (or Imperial Hunters) and Vulpa (Death Stalkers) as they clash throughout the system. There’s history between the two Legios that goes beyond general antipathy for the opposing side, and for Princeps Esha Ani Mohana of the Legio Solaria there’s a very personal element at the heart of the conflict.

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Steel Daemon – Ian St. Martin

Book two in the Black Library Novella Series 1, Ian St. Martin’s Steel Daemon is a gritty, uncompromising story which pits a traumatised airman and a cynical tank crew against the horrors of the Crimson Slaughter during the 13th Black Crusade. After his Marauder is downed, young Heit Lytviak finds salvation in the shape of the Cadian Leman Russ battle tank Imperial Son, joining as an impromptu and somewhat ill-disciplined gunner under the steely supervision of Lieutenant Knispel. Against the brutality of the Crimson Slaughter, however, the Cadians are cut off from their lines and forced onto the back foot.

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The Bloodied Rose – Danie Ware

The first book in the Black Library Novella Series 1, Danie Ware’s The Bloodied Rose picks up the story of Sister Superior Augusta after the events of the short story Mercy. Having returned to the Convent Sanctorum of the Order of the Bloody Rose to rest and induct the newest member of the squad, Augusta and her Sisters are unexpectedly ordered back to Lautis, the site of their recent confrontation with the orks. The Sisters sent in to secure Lautis have gone silent, and Augusta’s mission report questioned, so she is tasked with returning and finishing what she started.

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Dark Imperium: Plague War – Guy Haley

The sequel to 2017’s Dark Imperium and the second book in the trilogy, Guy Haley’s Dark Imperium: Plague War continues the story of Guilliman’s ongoing battle against the forces of his brother Mortarion. With the Death Guard rampaging throughout Greater Ultramar, Guilliman makes for embattled Parmenio where he hopes to bring Mortarion to battle and kill his corrupted brother once and for all. Forces from both sides of the conflict are drawn to Parmenio, from Mortarion’s daemonic allies to the great space station Galatan, while Guilliman’s determined secular stance is challenged by growing evidence of something (potentially) divine making itself known.

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Gotrek & Felix: Slayer – David Guymer

The seventeenth Gotrek & Felix novel, David Guymer’s Slayer completes the two-part Doom of Gotrek Gurnisson arc within the wider Warhammer End Times series. Following on from the events of Kinslayer it sees Gotrek and Felix heading south with a ragtag force of men to try and reach Altdorf and Felix’s young family. In the way are whole armies of marauding northmen, while the shadowy presence of Be’lakor works to fulfil a prophecy and at last bring Gotrek’s doom down upon him. Despite their badly damaged friendship, the two adventurers fight side by side for what might be the last time.

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QUICK REVIEW: Waking the Dragon – Josh Reynolds

Billed as a Warhammer Chronicles story, Josh Reynolds’ Waking the Dragon is a previously unreleased tale of the World-That-Was, and which was originally written as part of the End Times series. The once-powerful Heinrich Kemmler, otherwise known as the Lichemaster, is in dire need of allies. Harried at every turn by the tenacious Duke Tancred, and accompanied only by the ancient wight Krell, Kemmler turns in desperation to the cursed Blood Keep where he hopes to raise an army and gather his strength. The ancient fortress is no longer abandoned, however, and Kemmler’s destiny might not be what he expected.

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