Category Archives: Black Library

QUICK REVIEW: The Merchant’s Story (At the Sign of the Brazen Claw Part Two) – Guy Haley

This is the first story featured in Inferno! Volume 2.

In The Merchant’s Story, the second instalment of Guy Haley’s five-part Age of Sigmar serial At the Sign of the Brazen Claw, it’s the turn of duardin Idenkor Stonbrak to regale his impromptu companions with a story from his past. Stonbrak hails from Ulgu, the Realm of Shadows, and his is a tale of duardin business and aelven trickery, of miraculous craft and debts not paid on time. It is a sad story of misty Barak Gorn where once a duardin craftsman was commissioned by a grey aelf to craft a necklace fit for a princess, with tragic consequences.

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Auric Gods – Nick Kyme

Book three in the Black Library Novella Series 1, Nick Kyme’s Auric Gods is a sort of 40k-noir story crossed with an exploration of the role of the Adeptus Custodes in the Dark Imperium era. On a world at the fringe of the Sol system, peacekeeper Ursula Gedd and the shadowy Meroved – once a Shield Captain of the Adeptus Custodes, now an Eye of the Emperor – investigate worrying patterns within their city, Vorganthian. Meanwhile on Terra, three Custodians are gathered by Trajann Valoris and sent out from the Throneworld to recover a dangerous artifact, stolen from deep beneath the Imperial Palace.

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QUICK REVIEW: The Blood Bound – Rob Sanders

Available either as a standalone e-short or within the Dan Abnett-edited Sabbat Crusade anthology, Rob Sanders’ The Blood Bound is an Iron Snakes short story which follows on from an early Gaunt’s Ghosts tale. Sergeant Porphyrian and Squad Orpheon have been tasked by the Ordo Hereticus to investigate the disappearance of a Commissariat ship carrying the notorious heretic Sholen Skara. Finding the defiled corpse of the vessel in orbit above an eerily silent Imperial world, it soon becomes clear that while their orders are to retrieve Skara alive, that might just be easier said than done.

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Titandeath – Guy Haley

Guy Haley’s Titandeath, book 53 in the Horus Heresy series, is the penultimate novel before the Siege of Terra begins and the first proper look at the vast battle for the Beta-Garmon system. With both sides throwing ever-increasing numbers of troops and war machines into the grinder, the focus here is on the Titan Legios of Solaria (or Imperial Hunters) and Vulpa (Death Stalkers) as they clash throughout the system. There’s history between the two Legios that goes beyond general antipathy for the opposing side, and for Princeps Esha Ani Mohana of the Legio Solaria there’s a very personal element at the heart of the conflict.

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Black Library Weekly – W/C 12/11/18

Hello and welcome to the latest instalment of Black Library Weekly, my regular look at what’s been happening in the world of Black Library. We haven’t had any brand new releases this week, but despite that it’s actually been quite busy from a BL perspective. As always, let’s start from the top and have a look at what’s been happening.

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RAPID FIRE: Darius Hinks Talks Blackstone Fortress

Welcome to this instalment of Rapid Fire, my ongoing series of quick interviews with Black Library authors talking about their new releases. These are short and sweet interviews, with the idea being that each author will answer (more or less) the same questions – by the end of each interview I hope you will have a good idea of what the new book (or audio drama) is about, what inspired it and why you might want to read or listen to it.

In this instalment I spoke to Darius Hinks about his latest 40k novel Blackstone Fortress, which is currently available to pre-order alongside the brand new boxed game of the same name. It’s even available as a beautiful special edition hardback, if you fancy an extra special edition.

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Steel Daemon – Ian St. Martin

Book two in the Black Library Novella Series 1, Ian St. Martin’s Steel Daemon is a gritty, uncompromising story which pits a traumatised airman and a cynical tank crew against the horrors of the Crimson Slaughter during the 13th Black Crusade. After his Marauder is downed, young Heit Lytviak finds salvation in the shape of the Cadian Leman Russ battle tank Imperial Son, joining as an impromptu and somewhat ill-disciplined gunner under the steely supervision of Lieutenant Knispel. Against the brutality of the Crimson Slaughter, however, the Cadians are cut off from their lines and forced onto the back foot.

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QUICK REVIEW: At the Sign of the Brazen Claw – Guy Haley

The first instalment in a five part serial, At the Sign of the Brazen Claw sees Guy Haley continue the saga of Prince Maesa and Shattercap with a story within a story. Atop a lonely mountain in Shyish there lies an inn called the Brazen Claw, where Maesa and Shattercap shelter from a storm and wait for a Kharadron airship, alongside the innkeeper, his family and other guests. To fill the time the innkeeper suggests the telling of tales, and proceeds to regale his guests with the story of how he came to build the inn of the Brazen Claw.

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QUICK REVIEW: The Firstborn Daughter – Filip Wiltgren

Another Black Library debut in the pages of Inferno! Volume 1, Filip Wiltgren’s The Firstborn Daughter is a tale of prejudice and treachery amongst the Vostroyan Firstborn, and a warning against idolising your heroes. Lieutenant Ekaterina Idra leads her light platoon against the traitor forces on Tovoga, despite the grumbling of men not used to being led by a woman. When she joins forces with the renowned Major Haskel, at first she’s happy to be fighting alongside a hero of the Imperium. As Haskel grows increasingly erratic, however, Idra finds herself viewing the man in an increasingly negative light.

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Upcoming Black Library Titles (as of November 2018)

Every so often I’ll trawl the internet to put together a roundup of all the information I can find about upcoming Black Library releases. It’s been a while since I last did one of these posts, so I thought it was about time for another – this time I’m looking at releases from the middle of November onwards, and I’ve pulled information from the Coming Soon section of the Black Library website, information provided at the Black Library Weekender (and the Warhammer Community post covering that), and elsewhere online.

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