Category Archives: Black Library

QUICK REVIEW: Faith in Thunder – Robert Charles

This short story is featured in Inferno! Volume 2, which is out now.

The first Black Library contribution from Robert Charles, Faith in Thunder is an Age of Sigmar story dealing with questions of redemption, faith and how to maintain hope in the face of terrible odds. Niara Sydona battles for survival in an ogor fighting pit alongside a handful of other wounded and weary prisoners, including the last remaining Freeguild soldier under her ill-fated command. Each of them copes in their own way, as influenced by their upbringings and outlook, but if they’re to have any chance at not just survival but also escape, they’ll need to cooperate despite their differences. Keep reading…

The Black Library Celebration 2019

Back at the beginning of 2018, the first Black Library Celebration took place over the weekend of the 24th and 25th February to mark 20 years of Black Library stories. It looks like we can now say that it’s an annual event, as the 2019 Black Library Celebration has recently taken place, this time featuring a whole week of brand new releases as a celebration (surprise, surprise) of all things Black Library. An annual celebration of stories set in the worlds of 40k and Age of Sigmar is something I can absolutely get behind, so I thought I’d take a closer look at what was involved this year.

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Black Library Monthly – February 2019

Welcome to Black Library Monthly for February 2019, the latest in this series of articles where I take a look back at all the Black Library-related news and releases of the preceding month, as well as talk a little about what I’ve been reading and reviewing. After quite a quiet January I got myself back in the reading and writing saddle for February, although I’m still deliberately putting out less content on Track of Words than the one-a-day posts I produced for large parts of 2018! With lots of reviews and blog posts to mention, as well as a decent number of new releases – bolstered by the second annual Black Library Celebration (although more on this in a separate article to come), there’s plenty to talk about in this month’s roundup.

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Our Martyred Lady – Gav Thorpe

A four-part, four-and-a-bit hour Warhammer 40,000 audio drama, Gav Thorpe’s Our Martyred Lady sees Inquisitor Greyfax and Saint Celestine working together (begrudgingly, in Greyfax’s case) to combat a far-reaching plot that harks back to the Reign of Blood. When the head of the Ecclesiarchy makes an unprecedented decision, the consequences are far-reaching – including a very public attempt on the Ecclesiarch’s life. It falls to Celestine and Greyfax to protect the Ecclesiarch, uncover who (or what) was behind the attack, and ensure that nothing – neither the politics of the Ecclesiarchy nor the machinations of Chaos – can undermine the stability of the Imperium.

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The Buried Dagger – James Swallow

Book 54 in the Horus Heresy, James Swallow’s The Buried Dagger brings the main-range series to a close as the final book before the Siege of Terra begins. It’s a deserved moment in the spotlight for the Death Guard both past and present, told across two narratives with similar themes. One strand features the long-awaited ‘doom of the Death Guard’, the moment when Mortarion and his sons are becalmed in the Warp and turned to Chaos, while the other focuses on ex-Death Guard Nathaniel Garro and Malcador’s Knights Errant as they unravel a series of complex, unexpected mysteries back on Terra.

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QUICK REVIEW: Redeemer – Guy Haley

A short story examining one of the core aspects of the Blood Angels’ character in Warhammer 40,000, Guy Haley’s Redeemer sees High Chaplain Astorath the Grim on a mission to find a brother lost to the Black Rage, and end his suffering. Following a call that only he can hear, Astorath seeks out his lost brother on a world plagued by strange xenos creatures, where he finds the surviving Blood Angels, Primaris Marines who appear unaffected by the flaw yet troubled by what they’ve seen. Astorath’s duty is an onerous one, to preserve his Chapter’s secrets and save his brothers’ souls.

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QUICK REVIEW: Ghost of Nuceria – Ian St. Martin

A Horus Heresy Primarchs short story which acts as a prequel to Matt Farrer’s After Desh’ea and his own novel Angron: Slave of Nuceria, Ian St Martin’s Ghost of Nuceria takes a look at the moment of Angron’s unwilling reunion with the Emperor. In his final days on Nuceria, Angron leads a ragtag army of fellow slaves in a hopeless battle against the overwhelming forces of the High Riders, the Nucerian nobles. He’s come to terms with his inevitable death and the chance to find peace at last, but fate and the father he never wanted conspire against him.

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Angron: Slave of Nuceria – Ian St. Martin

Book 11 in Black Library’s Horus Heresy: Primarchs series, Ian St. Martin’s Angron: Slave of Nuceria explores a key moment in the early development of the World Eaters legion. Given lordship over a legion who in his eyes pale in comparison with the brothers and sisters he left behind on Nuceria, Angron demands that his sons remake themselves in his image by accepting the Butcher’s Nails. All his sons are desperate to earn his regard, but while some work tirelessly to re-engineer the Nails to be implantable into legionaries, others look to the future and fear for what will become of the legion.

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RAPID FIRE: Ian St. Martin Talks Angron: Slave of Nuceria

Welcome to this instalment of Rapid Fire, my ongoing series of quick interviews with Black Library authors talking about their new releases. These are short and sweet interviews, with the idea being that each author will answer (more or less) the same questions – by the end of each interview I hope you will have a good idea of what the new book (or audio drama) is about, what inspired it and why you might want to read or listen to it.

For this instalment I spoke to Ian St. Martin about his new Horus Heresy Primarchs novel – Angron: Slave of Nuceria. This is the 11th novel in the series, and is available to order right now! You can find a link to my review of this book at the bottom of the page.

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RAPID FIRE: Gav Thorpe Talks Our Martyred Lady

Welcome to this instalment of Rapid Fire, my ongoing series of quick interviews with Black Library authors talking about their new releases. These are short and sweet interviews, with the idea being that each author will answer (more or less) the same questions – by the end of each interview I hope you will have a good idea of what the new book (or audio drama) is about, what inspired it and why you might want to read or listen to it.

For this instalment I spoke to Gav Thorpe about his new multi-part 40k audio drama Our Martyred Lady, which is available to order right now. If you’re an audio fan, this is going to be the release to get excited about!

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