Author Archives: Michael

Monthly Roundup – November 2023

Hello, and welcome to my November Monthly Roundup post – I can’t quite believe it’s almost December, and therefore almost the end of 2023, but here we are! It’s been a strange month, as I’ve tried to put together some interesting posts for November while spending a lot of time behind the scenes working on the Track of Words Advent Calendar for December. Hopefully this month’s posts have been fun, and I really hope you enjoy what I’ve got planned for next month! In the meantime, for this article I’ve compiled my usual roundup of recent posts along with a bit of an update on the month’s reading. I haven’t spent a lot of time in November looking at what’s going on in the world of SFF publishing so I’ve skipped my usual news section, which means this is a slightly shorter post than usual.

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Short and Sweet – November 2023

Hello and welcome to my Short and Sweet review roundup for November 2023, where as usual I’ve picked out a trio of books that I’ve recently read to talk a little about, in lieu of my usual longer reviews. For this month’s roundup I’ve gone for books with quite a range of page counts, from a novella all the way up to a 750+ page doorstopper! Across these three books you’ve got magic, demons, demigods, transhuman soldiers, immortal hunters, wizarding bureaucracy, mystical prophecies and loads more. There’s plenty to enjoy in all of them, although if I’m honest none of them entirely worked for me, personally.

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The Wishing Game – Meg Shaffer

The debut novel from Meg Shaffer, The Wishing Game blends adult and children’s fiction in a warm, delightful tale of hope, heartache, family and the importance of remembering what it was like to be a child. When reclusive children’s author Jack Masterson resumes writing after years away, the eccentric writer announces an unusual competition, inviting four adults to return to his home on Clock Island, where they once visited as children. The prize? The one and only copy of his latest, long-awaited book, to do with as they please. For Lucy Hart, winning the competition would mean more than just the opportunity to read the new Clock Island book – it would give her the one thing she truly wants: a chance to adopt seven year-old orphan Christopher.

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Exclusive Excerpt From In The Shadow Of Their Dying by Anna Smith Spark & Michael R. Fletcher

Hello and welcome to Track of Words, where today I have an exclusive excerpt for you from the upcoming novella In The Shadow of Their Dying by Anna Smith Spark and Michael R. Fletcher, coming in March 2024 from Grimdark Magazine. Featuring two big names from the Grimdark fantasy scene, and excellent cover art by Carlos Diaz (design by Shawn T. King), this looks like one to watch for all you Grimdark fans out there. Read on for the cover and official synopsis for In The Shadow of Their Dying, and then an exclusive excerpt to give you just a little taste of what to expect.

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40k Reading Order: Minka Lesk – Justin D. Hill

Hello and welcome to this 40k Reading Order article – there’s a whole range of these articles here on Track of Words, but for this one I’m focusing on Justin D. Hill’s fantastic Minka Lesk series of Cadian Shock Troops stories. Black Library’s Cadians range has grown a lot recently, and there are loads of options for where to start, but the Minka Lesk series is really the backbone of the whole range. At the time of writing there are eight stories in this series – four novels and four short stories (although I’m also going to mention a few additional short stories that subtly tie in with the Minka Lesk series) – and with Justin’s generous help I’ve put together a comprehensive list of the whole lot, based on their in-universe chronological order.

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A Lot of Very Short Chapters

I’ve recently read a couple of books which were written with a lot of short chapters – and when I say short chapters I mean very short chapters, from a few pages to just a few words. They’re two very different books, both written with a clear idea of what they want to achieve but doing something quite different, and it’s been an interesting experience reading them in fairly close succession. I thought it might be fun to explore this experience a bit, in particular the ways in which I responded to each of the two books and their use of short chapters – there were some similarities, and plenty of differences – and in the process hopefully clarify things in my own mind too.

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5 Age Of Sigmar Books That Deserve Sequels (But Probably Won’t Get Them)

For a while now Black Library’s Age of Sigmar range has been focused very much on individual books rather than trilogies or sequels*, but with the announcement of Richard Strachan’s Temple of Silence – the follow-up to Hallowed Ground – it looks like maybe, maybe, that might be changing. This got me thinking about which other AoS novels deserve the sequel treatment, so I’ve picked out five books that I personally loved, and which have been crying out for sequels. Most of these books have been out for quite a few years already, so chances are the window for sequels is long gone, but that doesn’t mean we as readers should stop talking about them, and asking BL for more!

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Exclusive Excerpt: The Darkness Before Them by Matthew Ward

Matthew Ward’s The Darkness Before Them comes out from Orbit on the 7th November, kicking off a brand new fantasy series – the Soulfire Saga. I’m really looking forward to this new series, and very happy to support the release of this new book. I’ve already chatted to Matthew for a teaser interview about it, and as part of the blog tour for the book’s release Matthew wrote a fascinating guest post exploring the concept of surprises in fiction (something The Darkness Before Them promises to contain plenty of), and why they’re so effective. That’s not all, however. As the SECOND instalment in my contribution to the blog tour, I’m delighted to present an exclusive excerpt from The Darkness Before Them, to give you a taste of what to expect.

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Surprise! (or I Bet You Did See that Coming) – Matthew Ward Guest Post

Hello and welcome to this Track of Words guest post, where today I’m joined by the fantastic Matthew Ward, author of The Darkness Before Them – book one in the Soulfire Saga, coming out from Orbit on the 7th November. With this, his fourth novel with Orbit (after the fantastic Legacy Trilogy), coming so soon, Matthew has very kindly contributed a fantastic post on the topic of surprises in fiction, something that as readers I think we’re always hoping for, and very happy to see. Whether you’re a reader interested in understanding why literary surprises work, or a writer keen for insight into how to make them work, there’s loads to enjoy here – so read on to find out more!

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Monthly Roundup – October 2023

Hello, and welcome to my Monthly Roundup post for October 2023. It’s going to be a slightly shorter post than usual, as (for reasons I’ll touch on a little bit later) I posted much less in October than I normally do, and I just don’t have quite as much to talk about compared to previous months. Nevertheless, I’ll do the usual recap on everything I did post in October, then include a quick update on how things went this month (both generally, and in terms of reading specifically), before finishing off with a few thoughts on SFF-related goings on over the month. So read on, and please do let me know if you’ve got any questions or comments.

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