Released as part of Black Library’s 2024 Advent Calendar series of short stories, Nightshift Nineteen (appropriately, the 19th story in the Dark Coil) sees Peter Fehervari return to bleak, shadowed Sarastus and introduce us to the strange culture of the Canopic Congregation. Down in the bowels of Hive Carceri, young Izaq Sneddon is poised to take up his long-awaited position as a Lightkeeper, guiltily pleased to have escaped from the intimidating, overbearing presence of his mother and awestruck by the honour he’s receiving. In the darkness of his mind though, something old and sinister is lurking, stirring up painful memories and putting his ascension at risk. Meanwhile, higher up in the Hive, shift chief Bryn Bosch awaits the arrival of his new crewmate, painfully aware of his predecessor’s fate.
What follows is a typically Fehervari deep dive into atmosphere and character, building a rich picture of this particular strata of Imperial life that belies the constraints of word count. Told via the contrasting viewpoints of Izaq and Bosch, and structured over six phases exploring the past and present of both characters, it’s as strange, dark and unsettling as you’d expect from a Dark Coil story, gradually unravelling layers of secrets and truths. Few authors would dedicate a short story to an Imperial janitor cult, but Fehervari not only sells the idea but leaves the reader wanting so much more – not least the seasoned Dark Coil traveller who can enjoy the links to previous Sarastus stories (chronologically, this fits somewhere between Nightbleed and Requiem Infernal).
As ever, it’s a story that promises rich rewards upon multiple readings – think of the first time through as an initial exploration, with subsequent read-throughs unearthing more to think about each time. In his usual fashion Fehervari includes so much to think about, from the broader plot (what is Izaq actually doing, and what happened to him – and Bosch – in the past) to all manner of intriguing, thought-provoking little details. Ever wondered how hive cities are lit, how those lights are maintained, and by whom? Fehervari clearly has. Other Dark Coil stories have more complex narratives, but this just feels like quintessential Fehervari, and for anyone who’s been reading these stories right from the beginning, getting to explore a little of the inner workings of Hive Carceri is a genuine treat, especially in the context of this particular story.
See also: A Traveller’s Guide to Peter Fehervari’s Dark Coil
See also: all Peter Fehervari reviews and interviews on Track of Words
Nightshift Nineteen is available now as a standalone e-short. Click the link below to order* your copy:
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