QUICK REVIEW: Confessions of a Broken Blade – Ariel Lawrence

A three-act League of Legends short story set in Ionia after the conclusion of the Noxian invasion, Ariel Lawrence’s Confessions of a Broken Blade features Riven and Yasuo, a pair of characters haunted by events in their pasts. The main focus is on Riven, who when we meet her is hurting, repressing memories, trying to live a quiet life. Before long, however, she’s confronted with the consequences of actions she can no longer remember, and the fragile peace she had managed to find is shattered. The emotions of those around her are running hot as her past catches up with her.

Split into three sections on the Universe website, the narrative slowly unfolds as we see the reactions of a small Ionian community, firstly to just the revelation that there’s a Noxian living among them, and then the facts of Riven’s past actions. Lawrence deftly handles both Riven’s fragile state and the Ionians’ emotional responses, gradually bringing Yasuo into the story in a satisfying, organic manner. It’s carefully paced, character driven and really quite poignant, although it definitely rewards at least some prior knowledge of both characters’ backstories, without which much of the depth and emotional heft might not come across.


Check out Confessions of a Broken Blade on the League of Legends Universe website – parts one, two and three. If you’re not already familiar with the background to these characters and locations, I’d suggest also checking out the other content available including the bios for both Riven and Yasuo, the dev diary video for Ionia, and the two short Yasuo stories – A Sword Without a Sheath and Road to Ruin.

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