Black Library: Age of Sigmar Releases and Reviews

Since its release in 2015, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar has seen a slow but steady release of accompanying fiction from Black Library. This page contains a listing (as accurate as I can make it) of all the novels, novellas, audio dramas and short stories that have been released to date.

Where I’ve reviewed a story it will show up in red, and you can click through to find my review. Look out for links to author interviews too, in blue.

The Realmgate Wars – Novels

The Realmgate Wars – Audio Dramas

These eight audio dramas are collected together into Mortarch of Night:

  • The Hunt For Nagash 1: The Prisoner of the Black Sun by Josh Reynolds (2015)
  • The Hunt For Nagash 2: Sands of Blood by Josh Reynolds (2015)
  • The Hunt For Nagash 3: The Lords of Helstone by Josh Reynolds (2015)
  • The Hunt For Nagash 4: Bridge of Seven Sorrows by Josh Reynolds (2016)
  • Knights of Vengeance 1: The Beasts of Cartha by David Guymer (2016)
  • Knights of Vengeance 2: Fist of Mork, Fist of Gork by David Guymer (2016)
  • Knights of Vengeance 3: Great Red by David Guymer (2016)
  • Knights of Vengeance 4: Only the Faithful by David Guymer (2016)

Legends of the Age of Sigmar

Other Novels/Novellas/Audio Dramas

In (rough) release order:

Warhammer Adventures – Realm Quest (for readers aged 8 – 12):

  • City of Lifestone by Tom Huddleston (2019)
  • Lair of the Skaven by Tom Huddleston (2019)
  • Forest of the Ancients by Tom Huddleston (2019)
  • Flight of the Kharadron by Tom Huddleston (2020)
  • Fortress of Ghosts by Tom Huddleston (2021)
  • Battle for the Soulspring by Tom Huddleston (2021)

Short Stories – Serials

These eight short stories make up the novel Black Rift by Josh Reynolds:

These eight short stories make up the Realmgate Wars book Call of Archaon:

These seven short stories make up the Realmgate Wars novel Bladestorm by Matt Westbrook:

  • Bladestorm 1: Vengeance Eternal (2016)
  • Bladestorm 2: Righteous Blood (2016)
  • Bladestorm 3: The Manticore Dreadhold (2016)
  • Bladestorm 4: Iron Tide (2016)
  • Bladestorm 5: Splitskull Pass (2016)
  • Bladestorm 6: Chosen of Sigmar (2016)
  • Bladestorm 7: The Spiral Tower (2016)

Short stories and audio dramas

All of the Age of Sigmar short stories (excluding serialised novels – see above) which have been released so far, in alphabetical order by author. The date listed for each one is the year it was released as a standalone e-short, unless it’s only available in an anthology in which case the year the anthology was released.

If I’ve missed anything then just let me know, and I’ll endeavour to keep this updated with all future releases. You can also check out my Where to Start with Age of Sigmar article for suggestions on where to start if you fancy getting stuck into AoS for the first time:


  1. Hi Michael. Great site and thanks for the reviews, information and enthusiasm.

    I think you might be missing one story here – Labyrinth of the Lost ( tie in novel to the Warhammer Quest Silver Tower boxed game ).

    I’m an old school Warhammer fan ( early 90’s onwards ) but I’ve now read the entire Realmgate Wars series and a few of the standalones and I have to say that despite some early difficulties with the setting, they are telling some great stories now.

    Particular highlights for me were Fury of Gork and Lord of Undeath. The books exploring the Fyreslayers and the Sylvaneth have also been good IMHO.

    The upcoming titles which are the start of trilogies and a classic quest story also give me great hope for where things will go.

    Look forward to hearing your thoughts as you read through these.



    1. Thanks David, I’m glad it’s useful!

      That’s interesting – I deliberately didn’t include Labyrinth of the Lost…but on reflection I think you’re right, that it should be included. I’ll make that change 🙂

      Definitely looking forward to Josh’s new books, as they sound fantastic. Plenty to keep me occupied until then, though – and then I’m very tempted to go back and re-read a load of the old-school Warhammer books…they were so good!

  2. Hey Michael

    I really like your AoS reviews, they’re the first thing I found when I first looked into AoS.
    They give a pretty clear idea of what the books are about and the overview of your reviews are actually a great list to sort through the confusing mass releases, rereleases and collections (looking at you, blacklibrary).

    Keep up the great work man.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, I really appreciate it! 🙂 I’m a little bit behind on recent AoS releases, but I’ll do my best to catch up as soon as possible!

  3. Is this an updated listing? How about a more recent one if possible please. BL puts out so much stuff. lol. Thanks

    1. Yep, I update it as often as I can. I’ve just added in a bunch of upcoming AoS releases due out between September and November 2019 – it should be completely up to date as of now!

  4. This is so incredibly helpful. Just got into AoS and I’m absolutely loving. High Fantasy turned all the way up to eleven (makes a refreshing change from reading about how great Primaris are). BL website is a mess though and trying to find a concrete listing of the AoS BL material has been a nightmare. Your site is an invaluable resource. Please keep up updating it as long as you can. Many, many thanks for all the hard work you put into it.

    1. You’re very welcome Michael, I’m so glad this has proved helpful 🙂 I do my best to keep it as up to date as I can, and hopefully I’ll be able to continue doing so for at least a while to come!

  5. This is just what I’m looking for, a complete and constantly updated list of AoS books. Thank you! I’ll check in occasionally to see what’s been added but this is a great jumping of point. Thank you 🙌🏻🙏🏻

  6. How updated is this listing? I am a collector of the Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar Novels, stories, audio, etc. Would be great to finally be able to get a comprehensive and complete listing of the Age of Sigmar stories (novels, anthologies, short stories, audio, etc). And thanks again for listing what you have. Better than any I have seen and BL doesn’t seem to be really interested in helping out with this.

    1. Hi Brad, thanks for getting in touch. I think this page is pretty much up to date! I might have missed the odd short story here and there, but I think all the books/audios etc. are present and correct. Always happy to update pages like this though, if I’ve missed anything 🙂

      1. Thanks. I have been going through it and trying to sort it all out with the shorts, novels, etc that I have purchased. I will be sure to let you know if I see anything that isn’t on there, etc.

  7. I just wanted for a while now to let you know I really appreciate your constant work for keeping this list up to date. I myself have pretty much every book and audiobook released for Age of Sigmar. Everytime I finished reading or listening to something new, I come to your review.

    Thanks from France and have a happy and healthy 2021!

  8. After seeing Wikipedia and Lexicom are both no longer being updated with AoS novel releases, I was losing hope to find a list like this. Great of you to do this for the book loving AoS fans in the community. Thank you!

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